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Benefits of drinking coffee

Benefits of drinking coffee

We will start by describing the benefits of coffee. It’s logical. Below we present 9 proven and confirmed benefits of coffee. Of course, coffee is individual. Each of us approaches it differently and it affects each of us differently.

The benefits of coffee

Coffee is an infusion of coffee beans, as everyone, or at least most of us, know. The taste of coffee is one of the most liked flavors in the world, and its scent arouses pleasant emotions and shivers on the skin. Many of us adore her, even love her, she is an inspiration and a driving force for work and even life. But do we know about its advantages? People talk more often and willingly about the dangers of drinking coffee, and it’s time to talk about its benefits.

1. Coffee reduces susceptibility to stress and reduces the risk of depression

Substances contained in coffee stimulate the brain and have an impact on our physical and mental health. Drinking coffee stimulates our body to produce more dopamine and serotonin, which immediately translates into our better mood and well-being. People who drink coffee are less at risk of depression, and it is not without reason that it is said that a cup of latte is a cup of happiness.

2. Coffee gives us energy

Coffee lovers love this state of elation, a boost of energy that puts you on your feet, and it’s all thanks to the caffeine contained in coffee. It stimulates you to act and allows you to concentrate better. Thanks to it, you can easily overcome fatigue and drowsiness. Some people will probably argue that coffee has no effect on them, and this is the result of excessive and too frequent drinking of coffee. Our body simply gets used to a certain amount of caffeine and stops responding to it. Therefore, it is worth taking breaks from drinking coffee (for example 1-3 days or reducing its amount for a few days), after such a break the body will begin to respond properly to caffeine again.

3. Coffee stimulates circulation

Stimulating caffeine not only adds energy in itself, but also makes our blood flow better and more efficient, which translates into better heart function and reduces the risk of blood clots. Better blood flow also means a better oxygenated body and a more efficient mind. Stimulation of blood circulation by coffee also improves potency; men who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day have fewer erection problems.

4. Coffee reduces muscle pain and increases endurance

Drinking coffee regularly will be useful for every athlete, because drinking coffee regularly increases endurance during training and reduces fatigue after training. Additionally, drinking coffee reduces muscle pain after training by up to half, so it’s better to drink a cup of coffee for soreness than to take another pill.

5. Coffee is a source of nutrients and important antioxidants

We may not seek such knowledge on a daily basis, but it is worth knowing that coffee beans contain about 1,000 different antioxidants, which puts coffee higher in terms of health than green tea or raw cocoa. Antioxidants destroy free radicals responsible for skin aging, reduce inflammation and protect cells against damage. It’s safe to say that coffee prolongs life. Moreover, coffee is a source of vitamins such as: B2, B3, B5 and minerals such as manganese, potassium and magnesium.

6. Coffee protects against diseases

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of cancer due to the large amount of antioxidants that coffee contains. Moreover, it reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Substances contained in coffee can also prevent the occurrence of Parkinson’s disease, reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and reduce the risk of heart disease. This is all because of the high content of antioxidants and the beneficial effects of caffeine on the brain, circulation and the entire body.

7. Coffee helps burn fat

Coffee is one of the few substances that naturally affects weight loss. Drinking coffee increases metabolism, which results in faster fat burning by up to 20%. However, coffee without added sugar and cream has this effect. The best effect will be achieved by purchasing good quality beans and grinding them yourself at home.

8. Coffee improves the mind

The stimulating properties of coffee influence our concentration, improve alertness, reaction time to various situations, support logical thinking, reduce fatigue, and improve intellectual abilities. This is influenced by caffeine, B vitamins and magnesium contained in coffee.

9. Coffee improves your appearance and increases protection against UV rays

Polyphenols contained in coffee have a positive effect on the appearance of our skin, protect cells and accelerate their regeneration. Additionally, coffee increases the skin’s resistance to UV radiation, although drinking it will not completely protect against sunburn.

It is worth drinking coffee not only for the taste and smell, but also as a preventive measure to feel better, be happier and healthier.